We have outlined our top budgeting tips to get people through the 2012 Christmas season

 1:      Budget, Budget, Budget. 
Plan how much you can afford to spend – and stick to it.

2:       Make a list.
Decide what you're going to buy in advance. Decide in the store and you'll spend more!

3:       Pay with cash where possible.
Avoid loans, credit cards, store cards, catalogues and money lenders – they'll cost you more.

4:      If you borrow be sensible.    

Borrow where the interest is right…..not on your doorstep!

5:       Compare prices.
Before you buy, compare online and between shops. You’ll be amazed at the difference.


Posted on: December 7th, 2012

Posted in Budgeting

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skibbereen credit unionWe are giving you the chance to win a brand new iPhone 5. Winning is simple. All you have to do is like our competition facebook update to be in with a chance to win!

The competition will end on January 31st and we will announce our winner shortly after. Spread the word and get sharing and liking now. Good luck!

Click here to view our facebook page.


Posted on: November 19th, 2012

Posted in Competition

ChristmasWith the help of our new Christmas Saving account you can save up enough money in time for Christmas. Did you know the average cost of Christmas is €1,020? Neither did we until we carried out our recent survey.

We found that presents cost approx €650 and Christmas dinners came in around €250. However, other costs such as Christmas nights out, hairdressing appointments and new clothes for the festive period were not remembered when patrons were asked to add up their bills.

How can one prepare for the ever rising costs of Christmas? Especially in these rough economic times? The answer is simple. Saving just €5, €10 or €15 per week can ensure you and your family have one less thing to worry about. Click here for more details on our Christmas Saving account.

Posted on: November 5th, 2012

Posted in Savings

Tags: , ,

We are delighted to launch our new loan product "Tweny Is Plenty".

We understand that finding that extra bit of cash for a special purchase when every cent of your budget is already earmarked is a very difficult task.

With this mind we  developed Twnty is Plenty to enable you keep control over the repayment amount. You will only ever pay up to €20 a week.

This means you can borrow up to €4,000 over 5 years for as little as €20 a week.

For further details :

Our May Loan Special at 6.99% is the cheapest small loan in the market place.

Skibbereen Credit Union is keeping the cost of borrowing low. We are providing you with up to €4000 in cash to spend any way you see fit helping you to avoid raking up big credit card debts.

  1. Borrow up €4,000
  2. Up 3 years repayment options
  3. Pay as little as €2 a week in interest

Apply now. Limited time – offer ends May 31 2012

                                                             7.22% apr. Terms & conditions apply

lending west corkSkibbereen Credit Union would like to announce that we are lending and will continue to do so. This comes at a good time as the Euro 2012 championships as well as the Olympics in London 2012 will take places this summer. Instead of dipping into your savings, why not call into us here at Skibbereen Credit Union on Main Street and we'll discuss your options as well as the terms and conditions with you.

For lending in West Cork, we’ve got it covered! Contact us today.

Posted on: April 11th, 2012

Posted in Lending

Tags: , ,

We are delighted to launch our new "Pay My Bills" annual loan product.
We understand during these challenging times that paying annual bills and once off emergencies can often put a tremdendous strain on your cash flow.

Why not alleviate this pressure by simply totaling your bills and using our "Pay My Bills" loan plan to spread the cost over the year.

For further details check out our website here

Posted on: March 16th, 2012

Posted in Budgeting, Family Finances, Financial Planning

Congratulations to St Josephs Girls National School, Skibberreen on winning The Under 11's section in the Cork Chapter Quiz on Sunday 4th March. With over 20 teams taking part it was a close battle all the way ending with a tiebreaker between Skibbereen and Clonakilty with Skibbereen ultimately winning out. St Josephs Girls N. S. will now go on to represent  Skibbereen Credit Union at the National Finals in the RDS on Sunday 1st  April.

Also taking part in the Chapter Quiz was St Patricks Boys National School, Skibbereen who also did us proud on the day.  

Posted on: March 5th, 2012

Posted in In the Community, Skibbereen, Skibbereen Credit Union

Skibbereen Credit UnionNow you can have your money paid directly into your Credit Union Account. You may do this by using our National Sort Code 99-10-91 Facility. We have a host of new features to facilitate this and these are Automated Deductions, Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), Direct Debit. 

For further details on these click here or call to the offices of Skibbereen Credit Union. if you prefer, give us a ring on 028 21883 and we'll be happy to discuss your options with you.

Posted on: February 7th, 2012

Posted in Repayment Options

savings advice west corkI think most of us have started our new years resolutions by now. What are yours? Our resolution at Skibbereen credit union is to get West Cork saving for 2012!

We know this is much easier said than done and we are aware January can be a particularly bleak month financially for many people. Whilst saving for the short term and putting your money away for a rainy day to earn some interest whilst still giving you the flexibility to access your money at short notice might be what you are looking for, more and more of us are struggling to put away some of our well earned cash. After all, who knows what tomorrow might bring? We can never be TOO careful with our finances. We know we can't turn water into wine but we certainly feel we can help improve family finances in West Cork with our experience and advice.

So how about you start by putting as little as €1 to €5 away a week? Every little helps and before you know it, you will have a nice little nest egg.

For the best savings advice call in to us at the credit union today to discuss your options and to listen to some expert advice! 

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