Skibbereen Credit Union is a proud supporter of our local community. Not only do we support the people of West Cork by providing savings and competitive lending, we also support local organisations through sponsorship. This year, we call on all the people of West Cork to continue to support their community by shopping locally, and here we provide our Top 10 Reasons why local is better.

1. It stimulates the local economyShop-local

When you buy something from a local business in West Cork, instead of from an international company or online, your money stays in the community and stimulates the local economy. Local businesses will buy from other local businesses and service providers, which in turn adds to growth and job creation in West Cork.

2. Local Charities Reap the Rewards

Many West Cork charities rely on donations from local businesses. When local businesses are doing well, they are able to donate more to local charities that help our community.

3. Unique West Cork Businesses Create Character

By supporting local businesses, you are creating an opportunity for unique business to grow and prosper. This adds character to our community, and acts as a great incentive for more people to visit and shop in the area.

4. It’s Good for our Environment

Shopping local means less travel over long distances, which means less cars on the road, which reduces the impact on the environment. Many local businesses are situated in a central location, which means you can park the car and still have easy access to everywhere you need to go in one trip!

5. It Generates New Jobs

Supporting local businesses helps to create and maintain job. When we shop in local businesses, local businesses need to hire more people to keep up with demand. Every jobs created in West Cork means one less person emigrating.

6. Excellent Local Customer Service

A local business owner will be far more passionate about their work and serving the needs of the local community than a large company with headquarters overseas. As a result, you will find better customer service and a more personal approach with more familiar faces.

7. Local Business Owners Invest In Local Community

Local businesses are owned and run by people with a vested interest in the community. Supporting local businesses means that they will invest in the community, making West Cork a better place for people to live and work in.

8. Benefits outweigh Costs

Local businesses require comparatively little infrastructure compared to the larger chain stores and big businesses. The cost of setting up a small local business to the public is generally a lot less than setting up a large chain store. Smaller stores can set up in existing buildings, meaning less empty premises in our towns, and are far quicker to open than a large store that needs a new building constructed – which also leads to increased traffic and noise during construction.

9. Competition and Diversity Leads To Better Choice

One large shop with a monopoly will have less choice than several smaller ones. A community with a large number of small local businesses allows for more competition to help keep prices fair and provide a wider choice of products and services to local consumers.

10. You Matter

At Skibbereen Credit Union, our members matter. This applies to local businesses too. Each customer is important to a local business, so local businesses value their customers more than large chain stores and will respond to your needs and desires to create a wonderful local shopping experience for the entire community.

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